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Updated: April 5, 2024

Accessibility Statement for Shellproof Security, LLC


Shellproof Security, LLC, is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards to provide a more inclusive and accessible web presence.


Shellproof Security, LLC, aims to adhere to the guidelines of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at Level AA, a set of rules that have been developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to ensure websites are designed and written in a way that all people can use them.


We are taking the following actions to ensure accessibility:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Our website undergoes regular scanning to identify and fix every possible accessibility barrier on our site.
  • Training: We conduct training for our staff to ensure web content is accessible within the framework of the current standards.
  • Feedback: We welcome feedback from users on how to improve the website's accessibility.

Accessibility Features

Shellproof Security, LLC, has implemented the following features to ensure the best possible experience for all users, including those with disabilities:

  • Text Alternatives: Images on our site are accompanied by alternative text descriptions, which can be read by screen readers.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Our website can be navigated using a keyboard, catering to users with motor impairments.


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Shellproof Security, LLC. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on our website:

We try to respond to feedback within [Insert number of business days, e.g., 5-7] business days.

Limitations and Alternatives

Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of Shellproof Security, LLC's website, there may be some limitations. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If you find any issue, please contact us via the channels mentioned above.

Assessment Approach

Shellproof Security, LLC, has assessed the accessibility of its website by the following approaches:

  • Self-evaluation
  • External evaluation by Google Lighthouse,WAVE & Accessibe

Enforcements Procedure

The process for escalating and resolving accessibility issues is straightforward. Should you encounter any difficulty or discrimination, we encourage you to contact us directly so we can facilitate an appropriate solution.